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Calf Management & Health

Colostrum is more than IgG. What have we been missing?

calf nursing dam

We are aware of the importance of that first milking colostrum in providing immune globulins (Ig) or antibodies as a source of protection from disease for the newborn calf. Feeding four quarts of clean colostrum with a low bacteria count as soon as possible after birth is the key to success. However, have we missed other benefits from feeding colostrum and the “transition” milk from the first to sixth milkings to calves during their first few days of life? Read more …


Management practices that make a real difference.

Author Alyssa Dietrich

Alyssa Dietrich graduated from Penn State University in 2013 with a B. S. degree in Animal Sciences. During the summer of of 2013 she interned with Elanco Animal Health. She obtained an M.S. degree in Dairy Science at Virginia Tech and was part of a joint study with Dr. Whitney Knauer on the management of automatic calf feeders. Read more …