New Article by Dr. Bob James in Progressive Dairy! Can beef teach us how to better raise dairy replacements: Calving environment and newborn management Dr. Bob James explores what the beef industry can teach us about raising dairy replacements in his latest article, “Can beef teach us how to better raise dairy replacements: Calving environment […]
Can we feed calves better? Research and the experiences of progressive calf managers have shown the benefits of feeding more milk. However, this practice has not always been successful, particularly in calves managed in individual pens or hutches. These systems rely on feeding twice and rarely three times a day, frequently with long intervals between […]
Preweaned calves and technology ? Tremendous advances in the use of technology to better manage dairy cattle, cropping and other areas of dairy farming have recently been featured in the popular press. What about technology in calf management? How has calf management changed in the past 5 – 10 years?? For many years, the number […]
Are calf hutches still the “gold” standard ? When making decisions every dairy business must consider all costs, potential benefits and the likelihood of a positive return on the investment. All resources and immediate and long-term impacts for a particular dairy business must be considered. For many years, the calf hutch has been considered as […]
Are you a calf manager or a calf feeder? First, let’s start with some definitions. The calf feeder is the person who does their job. They aren’t recognized for either great or poor calf care. It’s a “low ranking” job on the farm. A calf manager sets goals, analyzes data, evaluates their resources and allocates […]
What have “autofeeders” taught me about feeding dairy calves? Most of us that have fed calves have a similar impression of “what’s normal” for feeding calves and calf behavior. What was “normal”? We fed them twice a day. We fed two quarts (liters) per feeding. We did this because milk or milk replacer was expensive […]
Calf immunity #3 – Optimizing absorption and achieving the benefits of colostrum *Post contributed by Julia Hamann, D.V.M., Field Technical Specialist Diamond V This is the last of the three-part series by Dr. Hamann. Check out the first two blog posts if you haven’t done so already! Calf immunity #1 – The three components of […]
Calf immunity #2 – Colostrum and the calf’s gastrointestinal development *Post contributed by Julia Hamann, D.V.M., Field Technical Specialist Diamond V This is the second of the three-part series by Dr. Hamann. Check out the first blog post if you haven’t done so already! Colostrum plays a significant role in the calf’ intestinal development and […]
Calf immunity #1 – What is it and how do we optimize it in the preweaned calf? *Post contributed by Julia Hamann, D.V.M., Field Technical Specialist Diamond V We are pleased to present a three part series on how to optimize immunity in the preweaned calf contributed by Dr. Julia Hamann, Field Technical Services Veterinary […]
Using Colostrum Replacer to Prevent Protocol Drift *Post contributed by Dr. Adam Geiger, Research Nutritionist | Lactation Physiologist | Calf Technical Consultant, Zinpro Corporation Just about every producer globally understands the importance of colostrum to the newborn calf. Most producers also know how important well-defined protocols are to calf performance and health. However, I have […]