Are calf hutches still the “gold” standard ? When making decisions every dairy business must consider all costs, potential benefits and the likelihood of a positive return on the investment. All resources and immediate and long-term impacts for a particular dairy business must be considered. For many years, the calf hutch has been considered as […]
Are you a calf manager or a calf feeder? First, let’s start with some definitions. The calf feeder is the person who does their job. They aren’t recognized for either great or poor calf care. It’s a “low ranking” job on the farm. A calf manager sets goals, analyzes data, evaluates their resources and allocates […]
Keep it clean! All too often we tend to be too casual about cleanliness in raising preweaned calves, ESPECIALLY during their first week of life. Remember that this is a very young animal with a “biology” that’s not too different from human infants! They are born with a very limited (if any) microbiome that is […]