Hi, I’m Dr. Bob James… welcome back. As we kick off the calf blog, I want to let you know a bit about the content and what format we will use over the next year. Read more…
Welcome to the calf blog
Hi, I’m Dr. Bob James… welcome back. As we kick off the calf blog, I want to let you know a bit about the content and what format we will use over the next year.
Change of focus
For too long, calf management has considered what is most convenient for us and in reducing daily cost. We need to focus on what’s best for the calf and viewing this enterprise through the lenses of calf biology, labor effectiveness and efficiency and long-term profitability of the dairy.
Key factors for success
A successful calf management program is measured by low morbidity and mortality and optimizing our return on the investment! This involves using the unique resources of the farm ideally. The Calf Blog will focus on key factors involved in successful rearing of calves regardless of the system used. However, a major effort will be directed towards calf autofeeders. I’ll share what you should know before adopting the technology, the key design features of successful autofeeder systems, and how to capture the benefits of the autofeeder system. We will host live peer group sessions quarterly where users can ask questions of the bloggers and share their experiences with autofeeders.
We also welcome your comments and questions so we can share these with other progressive calf raisers. The goal of the calf blog is to become a “go to” source for current information on autofeeder technology and management. We look forward to you joining us.
Until Next time… Let’s do what’s best for your calves!
Bob James – Calf Blogger