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Calf Management & Health

Calf Management & Health

Transatlantic Calfblogger Talk with Dr. Peter Zieger, Germany

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Successful calf rearing is a contemporary issue all over the world. Everybody should know that healthy calves are the future of dairy farms. But how important is professional calf rearing for US farmers? How important is it for the Europeans? For the Germans? Do we have similarities? What is different? What can we learn from each other? Have a look at a highly interesting discussion with my German counterpart, blogger and veterinarian Dr. Peter Zieger…

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Calf Management & Health

Getting them off to a good start – Newborn calf management

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Regardless of the calf rearing system what happens to the calf during the first hours of life has a dramatic effect upon their health and future productivity. Two things of primary importance will be discussed in this month’s blog. Read more…